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Smart Ways Roofing Companies Promote Their Businesses Online

Roofing Company Online Business PromotionRoofing companies looking to expand business through the use of internet marketing strategies are definitely making wise online decisions. Statistics reveal that more than 50 percent of individuals considering large purchases will conduct an internet search to investigate possible product or service providers. That number jumps up to more than 85 percent when the purchase will be made locally. This means that creating and managing an effective online campaign is vital for any business.

There are numerous avenues available for roofing business promotion, but the following three strategies help roofers effectively promote their companies online: organic traffic, YouTube and social media marketing.

Organic Traffic

Niche Quest free ebookOne of the most effective ways to leverage the power of the internet is to increase the amount of organic traffic that visits your site. Organic traffic can be best described as visitors that you did not directly generate through efforts of direct contact. Organic traffic is comprised of visitors that conduct a general search for the services or products you provide and subsequently click on the link to your site. Organic traffic is a huge part of the promotional tree.

Proper and effective SEO (search engine optimization) is required to see any measurable results from organic searches. This means properly optimizing your website, the creation of relevant content, legitimate back linking campaigns and more. With major search engines, such as Google, constantly changing their algorithms, it can be difficult to understand all of the rules and requirements that must be met to build your page ranking — leading to better search placement. If you have not mastered SEO, our free e-book will get you on the right path. Our Niche Quest Formula course offers expert step-by-step assistance that is definitely a worthwhile investment.

YouTube Exposure

YouTube VideosEveryone knows that Google is the largest search engine in the world, but many people are not aware that YouTube, now owned by Google, is the second largest search engine in the world. A growing number of internet users prefer to access the content they are looking for via video rather than in written form. You can create business how-to videos that are highly informative and engaging to provide individuals with relevant content that will help them deal with minor issues around the home. Videos centered on roofing material brands, products and do-it-yourself assistance develops exposure for your brand, services and products. To learn more about the benefits of videos for your business, see our post How to Optimize Videos in Local Markets Before It’s Too Late.

Social Media Marketing

This aspect of online marketing can be very broad so you will have to find ways to make it specific to your roofing businesses and the services that you offer. Social media is one of the most powerful leveraging platforms business owners encounter. When you create a profile or a fan page along with relevant, engaging content helpful to your target audience, your brand can become extremely popular in a relatively short period of time.

The most important thing to remember when marketing your business online is customer engagement. You want to engage the customer by providing useful information that entices the customer to come back to your page or site, even when they have no immediate roofing needs. When you develop a relationship of trust, you build customer loyalty, return visits and referrals that will bring new and existing customers back to your roofing company again and again.

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