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Organizing Keywords For Optimization – Step 2

Organizing Keywords

After I gathered all my keywords yesterday I put them in an excel spread sheet. Each general term has it’s own page with list of long tail phrases. In total I put together a list of about 3,500 terms. I’ll use these during the next year when updating the blog. For now I’m just going to use 30 phrases along with the appropriate cities and states.

For example “NYC Concrete Polishing”,  “Brooklyn Restaurant floor” or “New Jersey grocery floor”.

Content Writing

Today I’ll start writing the content for the site. Each page will have two – three keyword phrases along with the cities and states we will optimize.  Concrete Polishing is a large ticket business. By that I mean most floors are large. They typically range from 5,000 – 100,000 square feet.  That means gross pricing in the $25,000 – $500,000 range.  Capturing this market requires a broad geographic area. Though the Boston area is wide open online, I’m wondering if we want to target that area along with the NYC metro area. It might be too far.

When building a niche business online you get what you go after. Targeting more than you can handle can impede on your productivity. I’m thinking that we should target NYC, Brooklyn, New Jersey, Connecticut and Long Island. That’s a big market. If we target the Boston area as well, every time they are up in Boston, it leaves the core market open to competitors.

Business Plan Optimization

If Hudson Concrete was going to specialize in Restaurant floors we would have a different strategy. For example we might just go after NYC and various neighborhoods within NYC. Restaurant floors are usually about 2,000 – 3,000 square feet. That means floors projects of $15,000 – $30,000. A smaller, local market will be more productive than a large area.

If Hudson was targeting the garage floor market, we would target an even smaller area. Maybe just a single county in New Jersey, Connecticut or Long Island, perhaps smaller. Dominating the garage floor market may require an area of only 3-10 towns or part of a county.

It’s important to align your business with the internet the right way. The internet produces massive amounts of business. Going after too much can be as unproductive as too little business. Dominating your niche online requires focus and faith that the plan will work. If the plan isn’t working, make adjustments.

As we create the Hudson site we will discuss the business plan as it applies to internet marketing. Stay tuned and we’ll see you tomorrow after I’ve created some content. I’ll be discussing how I create educational content that converts to sales.

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Hudson Concrete Floor – Niche, Concrete Polishing and Overlays


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