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How To Write Website Content Serving Two Masters – Step 3

Step 3 – Writing Web Content That Converts to Sales

If you’re just joining us, this is step 3 in our process of building a locally optimized website for Hudson Concrete. Hudson is targeting large commercial concrete floor polishing and resurfacing with high performance coatings. They are based in New York City and are targeting the Phily, NYC and Boston corridor. The same strategy applies to all local business whether in a few towns or nationwide. Here’s the link to Step 1 if you want to start at the beginning.

Organizing Keyword Phrases

I took all my keyword phrases and laid them out in my excel spread sheet. All the phrases were organized by relevance. For example, we’re going to have a category about food related concrete floors. Consumers don’t just search for concrete floors, they search for terms that relate to their use. Keep in mind that your customer is not thinking about you. They are thinking about themselves and what they want. So, we’re going to give them want they want.

From our keyword research we know that customers search for terms in the food category like:

  • commercial kitchen floor
  • food floor
  • restaurant floor, floors or flooring
  • grocery floor
  • supermarket floor
  • market floor

Vehicle Floors

  • car floor
  • truck floor
  • bus floor
  • boat floor
  • marine floor

Each page will have a category for the type of floor. I’ll optimize each phrase while providing educational information for each category. I have organized 11 page categories by floor type. Every business that wants to capitalize on the business the web delivers needs to look at their business this way.

There are thousands of terms that relate to floors. If you are in the mortgage business there are thousands of terms that relate to mortgages. Each business has niche terms your customer searches.  This is why keyword research is critical to your marketing and branding, whether online or off line.

Organizing Categories and Sub Categories- Serving Two Masters

Within each category, I create sub categories before starting to write my page content. This helps for a few reasons.

  1. Defines What consumers want
  2. Organizes keywords for optimization. Use of words follows a simple math equation.
  3. Sub categories creates focus with lots of short thoughts.

This simple process helps me see a skeleton of site. Once the frame is assembled I can dress it up to serve our 2 masters.

  1. Client – site visitor
  2. Search Engines

Title Tags

Anyone can make a website. But creating a site that ranks high and converts to a sale is another story.  When I was laying out my keywords I had to think about optimizing each page. That starts with the title tags. Title tags are the first thing the search engines see when they crawl through a page. This gives them an idea of what the page is about. Title tags should not exceed 60 characters. Characters are letters, numbers, commas and spaces. Exceeding 60 characters is like stuffing a page with content. Google and other engines know that quality content is a reflection of focus. By limiting the amount of characters on a page we are forced to create content on a single point or limited amount of points. Google, Yahoo and Bing are in the business of delivering quality content. Do it right and you are rewarded with prime, business producing placement.

Meta Description

The second thing the search engines see is a description of what the page content is about. We use our keyword phrases in the description. Google and others are looking for relevance throughout the page. The Meta Description is an expanded version of the Title tags.

Page Content

I try and write about 500 words per page. The content is an expanded version of the title tags and meta description. It’s critical to carefully use, not overuse, the keywords. Ideally I want them used in the beginning, middle and end of my page content.

Sub Categories

Consumers want information quick. And remember, they have certain wants. Sub categories enable a consumer to get what they want from a page, avoiding what they don’t want. Short, to the point paragraphs are easier to write and easier to control use of keywords.

Profit Producing Websites

Keep in mind that customers are not searching for fancy websites. They are searching for information. Search engines search for websites that provide quality information. Our goal is to give each master what they want. That’s what gets rewarded with prime placement and high conversion to a sale.

Step 4 – Local Optimization

Tomorrow I’ll discuss how I write content with each page in mind and how they relate. I want to be able to create links that consumers and search engines can follow to learn more. I want to make it easy for the search engines and consumers to learn about each website quickly and easily. This improves optimization and increases conversion to sales.I’ll also talk about creating content that optimizes in local markets.

See you tomorrow. Step 4 – Click Here

Looking For Step 1? Click Here

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