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How to Rank on Google in 1 Hour or Less: Real World SEO

Despite all the Google changes we hear about, one constant that works for me and my clients continues to be keyword-rich blog posts.

I’ve been doing this for 7 years, and this method still works.

Yesterday was January 12. I wrote a blog post titled Top 11 SEO Strategies for Professional Organizers.

In less than 1 hour, the post was able to rank on Google page 1 for numerous keyword queries.

If you look at the screen image below, you will see we actually rank in 3 of the top 4 positions.

rank on Google

I had not thought about writing this blog, hence I moved a little slow taking this screen image showing #1 in 18 hours. The video was 23 hours, and you can see the position #4 in 1 hour.

The reality was the #1 position was achieved in less than an hour, and the video ranked almost immediately. You’ll have to take my word for it.

And, in the search results, you will also see we wrote a curated blog post on that Google shows was live in 1 hour.

There you go. Proof that content works.

So What? Does Learning How to Rank on Google Sell?

local SEO expert discusses how to rank on Google

The answer is not so simple. It all depends on your strategy, your business model.

I’ll explain in a minute what I did to get the ranking, but first, think about real world sales.

If all you do is make 1 sales call, you probably won’t make a sale.

But, if you make daily sales calls to a defined market over and over, and then go to the same local networking events with a clear message, people get to know you. Sales naturally come in.

Your blog works the same way.

If you have a blog plan aligned with your business and update your blog every week, you’ll get more exposure and more sales. People get to know you. They tell their friends about you. You build a reputation and a brand. Leads come in, and ultimately, they convert to sales.

Additionally, Google loves blog posts.

This simple content strategy works extremely well in local markets. Unfortunately, most business owners are not aware how easily they can dominate their local market. By local, I mean town, county and state.

The formula is fairly easy when you know how to go about it.

All you need is a website combined with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. Then, you need topics to write about for your site. You can even outsource the writing once you have the topics.

If you read yesterday’s blog, you can access the formula I created especially for professional organizers. Click here, and just follow the steps for your business.


Developing Your Long Term Market Dominating Strategy

digital marketing services
Currently, we are creating a guide with the formula to demonstrate an in depth step-by-step process. We’re also creating Done for You Guides.

The process includes using 4 sources to create your strategy:

1. Amazon – Review of Top Selling Books and Top Topics
2. Facebook Groups – researching Facebook Groups to find most engaged topics
3. YouTube – Research Most Viewed Videos by Top Keyword
4. Keyword Research – Use Keyword Tools to find best keywords

Once this research is complete, we then create a blog outline with resources. Using this method, you’ll be able to easily create a 12-month blog content campaign. This process is easy and quick once you know the formula. Then it’s all about implementing the strategy.

Repurposing Blog Topics

The topic I started discussing in this post is SEO Strategies for Professional Organizers.

Once I completed the blog and posted it live, the next step included creating a video about the same topic. After posting the video live on YouTube, both the post and video were shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Generating Sales

Although you don’t need to create videos, they are a great addition to this strategy. It just takes a few quick clicks to post on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with a link back to the blog post.

Imagine if you followed this formula once per week for 1 year. You’d have 50 blogs, countless social media messages and tremendous exposure on Google. With the right process and checklists, Google will know what you do and where. Your customers will recognize you as the local leader. It’s that simple.

This is the formula to promote your local brand and dominate your market.


rank on GoogleWe know you’re busy running your business and may not have time to fully develop your content strategy using the methods we discuss here and on our blog.

So why not outsource your keyword research, content strategy and video marketing to us here at Nichequest?

We offer weekly, monthly and custom blog content packages using our local SEO strategies. Make 2016 the year your blog receives more traffic and generates more leads.

Call me at (203) 762-1366 to get started or fill out our contact form here to request our blog and video content service.

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