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Google Changes Favor Local Niche Business

Google is in the business of providing quality information to their customers. Those who provide the best content get rewarded with top Google placement. When you get top Google placement you sell more products or services. Simple as that.

Until recently the rule of thumb when optimizing keywords was to use a total of ten words or less in your title tags. That means you could use 5 two word phrases or 2 three word phrases and 1 four word phrase. Then you would write your content on topics that describe those keywords. The closer the page content to the keywords, the more relevant and educational your content.  This Google concept forces us to create quality content for our readers.

Title Tags Reduced to 60 Characters

A character is every space typed. That includes letters, commas and blank spaces. Proper punctuation includes a space after commas. That means we need to create content with long tail keywords to save space. The result is that we need to create content that is to the point and on task.

What Google is doing is forcing us to create high quality content that follows our keyword phrases. That means we can no longer stuff a page with keyword phrases to maximize our Google positions. Makes sense.

The Benefit To Local Niche Businesses

Google is helping us all with this new restriction. It is forcing us to refine our business. The ultimate winners with search engine optimization are going to be local niche business. It’s going to become almost impossible to be a nationwide generalist. No doubt you’ve seen some of these nationwide companies who have captured the prime positions on Google with weak or inaccurate information written by writers who don’t know the subject.

This is going to favor local niche business specialists who make the effort to provide quality educational information. Google will reward you with prime positions that will enable you to capture a massive amount of the business in your market. But it also forces us to look closely at our businesses and think about what our customers want.

It’s always important to remember that those who search online are looking for information, that’s why they search. Over 85% of customers search online today before they make a purchase. Our job is to provide them with the highest quality educational information to win their business. Google will reward our efforts.

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